Our Values


We are called into a community of relationships. We are made to worship God. We are invited to grow as followers of Jesus. We were made to serve others. We are called to generosity. We share the goodness of God with others. All of our life is intended to express the love of Jesus and display the glory of God. Together we are following Jesus and living our daily lives empowered by the Holy Spirit!


Jesus came to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the kingdom of God. We want to be a community who join with God in his kingdom work. We believe God's love for people propel us forward in God's story of hope and redemption. At The Vineyard, we believe that God has invited us into His story to live a life full of love and service for others.

Love God. Love people. It's really that simple for us.  People are the whole point! We believe His love is transforming, and we want to experience it together as a family of believers. We also want to share that with people in meaningful and practical ways, and let them know that Jesus loves them along the way, no matter what life may look like. Everyone is invited to come as they are because that's just how Jesus works.


HEALING…kingdom come

We know God has called us to be a healing place…a people who in humility and with courage will pray for God’s kingdom to come. We lean into the prayer Jesus teaches us to pray “let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”. 

We believe in the redemptive work of God and welcome the kingdom of God to come here and now. We long to see things made right and we believe Jesus is making all things right. We want to see people made whole. We pray for the real needs in people’s lives and we are ready to walk with you on your journey, inviting the power and presence of God to come into our lives.

MULTIPLICATION…kingdom expansion

We know God has called us to plant churches and multiply the kingdom. We live with the multiplication mindset displayed in the early church (see Acts 1-4).  We want to be a visible and tangible expression of heaven on earth. We want to participate in the good news of God’s kingdom being proclaimed.

We believe kingdom expansion happens one person at a time as we walk with Jesus and join Him in His mission. We want to be a community of disciples (faithful followers of Jesus) who make disciples, who make disciples. As we find life in Jesus, we follow Jesus and we share our life with others!

PARTICIPATION…kingdom purpose

We know God has called us to help people discover their purpose and participate in God’s good kingdom work! At The Vineyard, we believe everyone is made in the image of God and invited to follow Jesus. As followers of Jesus we learn to live our life like Jesus. Jesus came to serve, to seek the lost, to heal the hurting and to proclaim the good news of the kingdom.

To follow Jesus is to join the mission of Jesus. We are invited to live everyday with kingdom purpose. We desire to help you discover your kingdom purpose and fully engage. We value kingdom participation. As we walk together, we will discover the joy of finding our purpose in Christ! 

BLESSING…kingdom character

We know God has called us to be a blessing. We choose to live with the character and heart of God to bless others. While we cannot bless everything, we look to bless everything that God is doing in people, our city and the nations. The people of God have been called to be a blessing. We desire to live with the character of King Jesus and from the blessing spoken in Numbers 6:24-26

“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may He show you His favor and give you peace.”

GENEROSITY…kingdom living

We know God has called us to be generous with all our resources. We desire to cultivate generosity in all our lives and in all our ministry. As a local church, we want to cultivate kingdom living rooted in the generous heart of God. We see God as the generous provider and giver of every good gift. We respond with generosity as an expression of worship and trust.

We cultivate generosity through giving, serving, loving and responding to God’s work among us. Generosity is one way we can tangibly reveal the heart and character of God — it is kingdom living at its best. “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8))

PRESS ON…kingdom passion

We know God has called us to persevere in doing good and welcoming His kingdom here on earth. We have a passion for God’s kingdom to come and make all things new. The redemptive and restorative work of God continues today until His final return. We want to press on with the hope of heaven and the love of God for people. People are our passion and we press on to proclaim and demonstrate the good news: Jesus loves. Jesus saves. Jesus invites.

We have a passion for God’s kingdom coming here and now! May we journey together to make our lives, our cities and our generations more heavenly!

Vineyard USA

The Vineyard Church - Pearland is part of the Association of Vineyard Churches (Vineyard USA) and shares values and ministry with an additional 550 Vineyards across the nation.