How To Use This Guide

Welcome to living a generous life as we reflect on the life stories of Jesus. For the next five days you are asked to read the anchor scripture, put yourself into the story presented, reflect in a quiet place, answer questions, then pray. Our desire is that you experience God, not just know about God. Expect your life to be transformed as you learn and experience through reflection.

There are some fundamental truths that we ask you to keep in mind. GOD LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY….all of who you are, the beautiful you and the acting out you. You are special to Trinity (Father, Son & Spirit) you have dignity and worth. Now, that’s a good place to begin from.

Each day, Monday-Friday, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit comfortably with your Bible, your journal and maybe a cup of coffee …or you may want to hold a small cross in your hands, or you may want to light a candle signaling the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Whatever is comfortable for you. You have been invited into this sacred space by Jesus and Jesus is sitting with you. Completing this reflection is not the goal nor is rushing through it…simply enjoy being with Jesus. Be open, aware and attention to his presence.

Note how you’re feeling as you come to prayer. Are you excited, rested, tired, anxious? Note what you desire to come out of this time with Jesus. It could be that your desire is to live a simple life with great meaning. Ask Jesus what is the desire that he’s put in your heart. St. Ignatius has shared a prayer with us for Generosity that you may pray during this sermon series.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve you as you deserve,

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to need the wounds,

To Toil and not seek for rest,

To labor and not to seek reward,

Except that of knowing that I do your will.



Justice requires a willingness to see where unjust realities are occuring.

This week is an invitation to see with kingdom eyes. With humility, ask Jesus to help you see.


Watch Just Mercy…Netflix and Prime Video


What would you like to savor from watching Just Mercy? What is the prayer you would like to write out and pray to God?


Watch God Save Texas

What is the different view of justice you may have after Sunday’s sermon and the two documentaries you viewed?


Read Part 1 of Makoto Fijimura’s story

Just enjoy the reading. What do you take away from his story? What is your story?


Read Part 2 of Makoto Fujimura’s story

Just enjoy the reading. What do you take away from the story? What is your story?

Additional Resource:

Justice: A conversation with Tim Mackie (Bible Project) & Jay Pathak (Vineyard USA)


The Daily Examen is a method of reviewing your day in a peaceful and reflective manner. We do the Examen in the presence of God expecting to find the movement of God in all the people and events of our day. We come

knowing that God is present everywhere. It has five steps and takes 15-20 minutes per day.

The Examen can be done in the morning or in the evening. We will give you an example of a morning Examen and an evening Examen. It is your choice whether you do it in the day or at night, just remember to do it daily.

The Morning Examen | Example

This morning we will pray the morning examen where we’ll assess our desires, feelings, and possible challenges as we face a new day. Take time to sit quietly. Be aware of your breathing, sensing your feet on the floor in front of you. Take 3 deep breaths…. breathing in thru your nose, feeling the cool air in your nostrils, holding for a moment, then breathing out through your mouth, making your exhale longer than your inhale. Do that a couple more times bringing your breathing back to normal in the 3rd deep breath.

Now, check in with yourself. Thank Trinity (God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit) for breath in your lungs, your heart that beats and also allows you to know love, and your brain that thinks. You might become aware of thoughts, or some internal dialogue, or a feeling state that you may be in. Whatever is happening inside, simply bring some awareness to it. Do not judge it or try to change it or fix it. Just try to see it. Put your attention to your breathing and sensing.

Give your attention now to your day ahead. Is your mind calm? Your body relaxed? Are you experiencing any anxiety about work, home, incomplete tasks, unforgiveness, unkind words spoken or unkindness you’ve received? Whatever is going on inside you, this is still a day filled with new opportunities for grace.

Our prayer is:

Good morning God. We come to you as we are now, imperfect, hopeful, or maybe tired or lots of things on our minds. Thanks again for our bodies that have been so faithful to us as we welcome another day in your creation. You may be aware of your desire to carry God’s presence with you as you continue with your schedule for today. As you begin to recognize this Presence, ask yourself, "What are two or three additional desires do I have for today?".

Now take a survey of your feelings right now…How did you sleep? Did you get a chance to eat? Was your meal satisfying? Are you hungry? Have any feelings or excitements or fears spilled over to the morning? Do you feel ready to hear God’s voice for spaces in your life today? God knows your desires and feelings right now. Feelings happen to you; they do not define you. As you begin today, you go forth as God made you, loved, with certain gifts and talents. This is your identity in God. With this in mind, do you anticipate any challenges today, good or bad?

Now, take your desires for today, your feelings right now, and the challenges you anticipate and give them to God. What would be your one-sentence to God right now as you face a new day? Speak it to God right now.

With a spirit of renewal and trust, end with a prayer by Jesuit John Veltri:

O God, I find myself at the beginning of another day.

I do not know what it will bring.

Please help me to be ready for whatever it may be.

If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely.

If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly.

If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently.

If I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly.

I pray just for today, for these twenty-four hours,

for the ability to cooperate with others according to the way Jesus taught us to live.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

May these words that he taught us become more than words.

Please free my thinking and feelings and the thinking and feelings of others,

from all forms of self-will, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and deception.

Along with my brothers and sisters,

I need this freedom to make my choices today according to your desires.

Send your Spirit to inspire me in time of doubt and indecision so that, together, we can walk along your path.


The Evening Examen | Example

1. Ask God for light. Look at your day with God’s eyes, not merely your own.

2. Give thanks. The day you have just lived is a gift from God. Be grateful for it.

3. Review the day. Carefully look back on the day just completed, being guided by the Holy Spirit.

4. Face your shortcomings. Face up to what’s wrong…in your life and down to your very soul.

5. Look toward tomorrow. Ask where you need God in the day to come.

Simple Steps for Reflection | Examen

1. Become aware of God’s presence.

2. Review the day with gratitude. 

3. Pay attention to your emotions.

4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.

5. Look toward tomorrow. for more information on the Examen method of prayer.

We pray that you enjoy this method of prayer as another way to connect

with God seeing his activities in all your day.


Day 1

Matthew 7:1-6 (The Voice) Read this passage 2 times.

Jesus: If you judge other people, then you will find that you, too, are being judged.  2  Indeed, you will be judged by the very standards to which you hold other people.

So when someone is tempted to criticize his neighbor because her house isn’t clean enough, she seems ill-tempered, or she is a bit flighty—he should remember those same standards and judgments will come back to him. No one should criticize his neighbor for being short-tempered one morning, when he is snippish and snappish and waspish all the time.

Jesus:  3  Why is it that you see the dust in your brother’s or sister’s eye, but you can’t see what is in your own eye?  4  Don’t ignore the wooden plank in your eye, while you criticize the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eyelashes.  5  That type of criticism and judgment is a sham! Remove the plank from your own eye, and then perhaps you will be able to see clearly how to help your brother flush out his sawdust. 6  Don’t give precious things to dogs. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. If you do, the pigs will trample the pearls with their little pigs’ feet, and then they will turn back and attack you.


What is the word or phrase that resonated with you?

Read the passage again and put yourself into the scene

Where are you standing while Jesus is teaching? Who are the people around you? What are smells around you? Are the people around you attentive? Are they distracted? Are you distracted?

What are the habits in your life that leads to judging?

Who are the people you easily judge?

What is your blind spot about these people?

What is your blind spot about yourself?

As you become aware of judging and any blind spots you may does that make you feel?

Ask Jesus to help you see yourself more clearly...What do you see in yourself that needs healing?

Pray about your answers with Jesus present. Sit quietly now and notice what Jesus is saying to you. What would he like you to notice? What is the invitation?

Now make notes in your journal about your time with Jesus and what you noticed.

When you are finished, you may simply pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray or whatever the Spirit leads you to pray.

Day 2

Repeat Day 1

Settle in your quiet place. Sit comfortably with your Bible, your journal and maybe a cup of coffee …or you may want to hold a small cross in your hands, or you may want to light a candle signaling the presence of the Holy Spirit. Whatever is comfortable for you. 

You have been invited into this sacred space by Jesus and Jesus is sitting with you. Completing this reflection is not the goal nor is rushing through it…simply enjoy being with Jesus. Be open, aware and attention to his presence.

Note how you’re feeling as you come to prayer. Are you excited, rested, tired, anxious? Note what you desire to come out of this time with Jesus. It could be that your desire is to live a simple life with great meaning.

St. Ignatius has shared a prayer with us for Generosity that you may pray during this sermon series.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve you as you deserve,

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to need the wounds,

To Toil and not seek for rest,

To labor and not to seek reward,

Except that of knowing that I do your will.


Repetition is a powerful tool that reminds us that more facts and more knowledge does not give us deep roots that support a deep relationship with Jesus for Kingdom living. We grow and transform as we savor and just “be” with Trinity. Enjoying the love and presence of God and the scriptures that gives us life.

Day 3

Settle in your quiet place. Sit comfortably with your Bible, your journal and maybe a cup of coffee …or you may want to hold a small cross in your hands, or you may want to light a candle signaling the presence of the Holy Spirit. Whatever is comfortable for you. You have been invited into this sacred space by Jesus and Jesus is sitting with you. Completing this reflection is not the goal nor is rushing through it…simply enjoy being with Jesus. Be open, aware and attention to his presence.

Note how you’re feeling as you come to prayer. Are you excited, rested, tired, anxious? Note what you desire to come out of this time with Jesus. It could be that your desire is to live a simple life with great meaning.

St. Ignatius has shared a prayer with us for Generosity that you may pray during this sermon series.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve you as you deserve,

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to need the wounds,

To Toil and not seek for rest,

To labor and not to seek reward,

Except that of knowing that I do your will.



Read Luke 6:37 Common English Bible Don’t judge, and you won’t be judged. Don’t condemn and you won’t be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Follow the same pattern as in Day 1 & 2.

What makes the water shimmer for you when you read this passage? 

What connection do you see between forgiveness, judging and condemning?

Think about a time when you may have unfairly judged or condemned someone? Maybe that someone was you?

Enter into a personal dialogue with God. There is no shame in being honest with God….respond truthfully and authentically.

What feelings are stirred in you?

Name where you are challenged, resistant, or where you want to push back?

Just rest now and wait in the presence of God. Allow some time for the word to sink in.

What is the invitation you are sensing from God?

How can you live out this passage today?

Pray about your responses in a conversation with Trinity.

Now make notes in your journal about your time with Jesus and what you noticed. When you are finished, you may simply pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray.

Day 4

Repeat Day 3

Day 5

Matthew 7:1-6 …NLT

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.  2  For you will be treated as you treat others. [a]  The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. [b]

3  “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye [c] when you have a log in your own?  4  How can you think of saying to your friend, [d]  ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye?  5  Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. 6  “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. [e] Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.

Settle in your quiet place. Sit comfortably with your Bible, your journal and maybe a cup of coffee …or you may want to hold a small cross in your hands, or you may want to light a candle signaling the presence of the Holy Spirit. Whatever is comfortable for you. You have been invited into this sacred space by Jesus and Jesus is sitting with you. Completing this reflection is not the goal nor is rushing through it…simply enjoy being with Jesus. Be open, aware and attention to his presence.

Note how you’re feeling as you come to prayer. Are you excited, rested, tired, anxious? Note what you desire to come out of this time with Jesus. It could be that your desire is to live a simple life with great meaning.

St. Ignatius has shared a prayer with us for Generosity that you may pray during this sermon series.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve you as you deserve,

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to need the wounds,

To Toil and not seek for rest,

To labor and not to seek reward,

Except that of knowing that I do your will.



Read this translation of the scripture two times.

Do different word(s) or phrases stand out to you or the same as previous days?

How do you confront the sin of others?

How do you confront your own sin?

What role does humility play in how you experience others who are in need of correction?

What are the benefits of forgiving others?

How would you like to have an honest conversation with Jesus about your responses to judging, criticism, condemnation, humility and forgiveness?

Now make notes in your journal about your time with Jesus and what you noticed.

When you are finished, you may simply pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray.